Israeli Trailblazers

Grit. Triathlete's Near-Death Accident and Back to Competition.

jennifer weissmann Season 2 Episode 24

Stay tuned for this one – it's the kind of comeback athlete story that will fire you up!  Meet Diego, a rising star in the world of triathlons, whose life took an unexpected turn when he was struck by a truck while training in Spain in August 2021. But this isn't a story of defeat; it's a testament to the human spirit. Despite facing near death and undergoing extensive surgeries, Diego is on a mission to reclaim his status as a world-class athlete. With grit and determination, he's gearing up to compete again in January 2023, ready to defy the odds and inspire us all. Share his story with your friends and followers – Diego's comeback is legendary!

#DVLRacing #DefyingTheOdds
#ComeBackstronger #ResilientPath
#Champion #RecoveredTriathlete #TriumphOverAdversity
#Triathlon #Triathlete #Ironmantri #Ironman #Motivation #Triathlonmotivation #Athlete  #BeyondTheFinishLine #TriumphOfWill #OvercomingChallenges
#grit #podcast #inspire #resilency #challenge #entreprenuer #lifeskill

HOST: Jennifer (00:02):

Hello, welcome to this podcast called Finding Inspiration. It's a 20-or-so-minute weekly podcast where we interview someone with a fantastic story. After the show, I know you'll feel energized, invigorated, and inspired. I'm Jennifer Weissmann. Welcome to Finding inspiration.

HOST: Jennifer (00:27):

Today's inspirational podcast episode is a second interview, an update, if you will, with the world-class triathlete champion Diego Oon. Louie from Belgium. I interviewed him earlier this year. He was the guy to beat. He is a young athlete whose goal is to be the best in the world, and he is well on his way. And last August 2021, while training in Spain, he was hit from behind by a truck, which almost killed him. He spent the last few months with spinal surgery learning to walk. He has endured unbelievable amounts of pain. He never lost hope. He plans to return to the podium. My episode with him today was recorded about eight weeks ago, and he had just finished surgery to remove screws in his back because to be a triathlete, you need to be able to swim well. He couldn't even raise his arms with the screws they put in from the surgery to save his life. So he had the screws removed from his back. So take a listen. Diego von Louie now shares his progress with life with screws in his back and post-surgery training. 

GUEST: DIEGO (01:34):

Before the surgery to remove the screws, I always felt pressure on my back during any run because the screws were pushing into my body. Also, in the last three months, I didn't run even a 1K. For the biking, I can do the essential part, but when it comes to pushing hard WATTS, I cannot.   I always need to leave the saddle because I cannot make the high WATTs from sitting. If I go to the magazine (you call it the shopping mall), it's impossible to carry anything because it pulls and puts pressure on my back. I prefer to do the tough ones because my bike is excellent, and I'm a light guy. My actual goal is the same – like always – an Ironman. 

HOST: Jennifer (02:21):

Wow, Diego. Your determination is incredible. Remind me; a triathlon is comprised of precisely what elements?

GUEST: DIEGO (02:28):

We do 4K of swimming, then 180K on the bike, and at the end with a marathon run. 

HOST: Jennifer (02:37):

So what's your mental state now? Are you feeling strong? It sounds like your body is coming back slowly.

GUEST: DIEGO (02:43):

My mindset is still good because I know I was not at the end of my power when I had my accident right to train. I know removing the screws in my back is helping me to make more progress. So now they are out. I feel on the bike. My bike is okay. I started cycling and running one day, and I think the progression is good. So I don't have pain. I'm not struggling with anything, but because they removed the screws in my back, I still have open wounds on my back. So when they are healed, I can start again with swimming. So this will be the main thing because swimming is my weakest element and the most difficult for me. Now I need to start from zero because I was 11 months without swimming.

GUEST: Diego (03:27):

Yeah. One of my favorite races in the world is Israel called the Israman. I love it because it's very hard. I plan to compete at Israman in January 2023. So I made this a first big goal to be ready. I don't know if it's possible to be at a significant level by January 2023, but I need to have one goal. I'm sure I have enough talent to achieve a good result. Maybe I can do some races end of November. I'm already a winner. I don't want to start at the bottom. This is not my goal. My goal is to win the big competitions again. So I need to be a hundred percent ready before I start. I should start my first swim training very soon to begin preparations. I was the Israman Champion in 2018, 2019, and 2020.

GUEST: Diego (04:15):

Swimming will be done daily to improve my technique again. And I was then building up the kilometers. Because at the moment I'm going every day to the gym, to the physiotherapy, and then one day bike or run. But in the end, I need to do all three sports a day again. And I need my sponsorship back. I need the financial part again, because after the accident – they dropped me. And this is the tricky part about the sport. I can have a lot of talent, but when you have an accident – everything stops, including the financial support, which is hard when you are a professional athlete. A guy of 30 years with a brace is not very nice. But these times, more and more guys my age are wearing a brace. 

HOST: Jennifer (05:16):

Diego, I wish you every success. With your incredible determination, I know you're going to the podium again soon. We will stay in touch with you. We will track your progress. Keep up the fantastic work, Diego. Thank you.

GUEST: Diego (05:31):

Bye-bye Jennifer. Thanks so much!

HOST: Jennifer (05:34):

Thank you for joining us this week on Finding Inspiration. Hey, I would appreciate it if you would click on that subscribe button and share this podcast with a friend. See you next week. I'm Jennifer Weissmann.


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