Israeli Trailblazers

Learn the Future of AI & Law.

Jennifer Weissmann Season 3 Episode 32

Dive into the AI Revolution with Attorney Adam Rossen and discover the seismic shifts reshaping the field of law as we know it. In just eight minutes, unlock the secrets to navigating this game-changing wave or risk being left in its wake. Get ready for a mind-blowing journey as we explore the boundless potential of AI in law, challenging conventions and propelling us into a new era of legal innovation!


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HOST: JENNIFER  (00:01):

Welcome, to episode 32 of the Going for Greatness Show. Today, my topic is artificial intelligence or ai. We know it's for sure in 2023, AI is in its infancy and there is no doubt that the future of certain jobs will definitely be in decline. Think cashiers, ticket clerks, data entry, being a physician perhaps, or even being an accountant. And what about the field of law? How will AI and applications like  CHATGPT, which uses machines to simulate human reasoning and problem-solving, how will change the field of law? My guest today, Adam Rosson, will share how his law firm is embracing ai.

GUEST: ADAM  (00:58):

Thanks for having me. I'm excited to be here.


Tell me how you're using AI.

GUEST: ADAM (01:04):

We’ve always wanted to be at the forefront of technology and be disruptors. So we embrace change, we embrace technology, and the legal field as a whole is one of the last industries to change or adapt. Every lawyer is an expert in saying no.  They are not experts in saying yes. And one of our core values is to get to, yes. So with that said, we've been using AI in a few different fields. We’ve been using it for marketing through CHAPGPT.  It’s not a full end-to-end solution, but it gets us 60, 70, or 80% of the way there, which is phenomenal and just allows us to continue to scale our words. The articles that we add to our website every month. The word counts that we have allows us to come up with, for example, my podcast, which creates questions to ask people, and our video description.

GUEST: ADAM (01:56):

So it's been fantastic on the marketing end. And we've also used AI on the legal front. So on our legal end, we use it and we're just getting into it. And of course, it's not a substitution, and it needs to be checked, but we actually have been leveraging two different AI technologies.   One for body-worn camera videos. We're a criminal defense law firm, and we can put the body camera videos, upload it, and the AI goes through and automatically transcribes them for us. It allows us to index and allows it to search it. So if we have an hour-long body camera video, we can get an immediate transcript, search the search, this hour-long video for different keywords.  We can even splice it up and use it pretty easily for trial or for depositions to impeach witnesses or police officers.

GUEST: ADAM (02:46):

That's one way. And then we have another way, another company that we're using, we just started with, basically breaking down. It integrates with CHATGPT and it breaks down the discovery that we get. So when we're getting voluminous police reports and we're typing in, you can see theories of defense or are there any inconsistencies among 200 pages of transcripts from witnesses?  It kind of spits it out. Now, again, it's not perfect yet, but it gives us a really good starting point. Now our law clerks can take it and they don't have to do all the legwork, and it just allows them to work faster and really get into the nuts and bolts of things. It’s been fantastic for us.


Are you worried that at some point AI is gonna get so good that maybe human beings being attorneys are possibly obsolete?

GUEST: ADAM (03:44):

In my particular specialty of criminal defense… No. I am a little worried that Skynet is here and gonna take over the world like Terminator or Terminator 2.  But beyond that, as far as just losing jobs in my industry, no, you need human interaction. You need a court, you need negotiations with prosecutors. I look at AI as an enhancement and I look at it as something that should be embraced. I also just have an abundance mindset, so that's just kind of me. I mean, in a hundred or 200 years, maybe. Maybe in 50 years, but in the next 10, 20, 30 years, no, I don't think so. But I do think businesses and people in general that embrace this and use this are going to have tremendously accelerated growth vs. people that don't.  The world is always changing, right? And some people will be left behind, some businesses will be left behind.


So the critical eye, the human critical eye is in your mind always gonna be needed to review what AI is spitting out.  

GUEST: ADAM (04:45):

Yes for sure.  Even with CHATGPT  now, it's only as good as the prompts that you give it, especially right now in, in which we're gonna look back at the in history and say  -- this is still the infancy.  This is the rocket ship of AI just starting to take off. Kind of like the internet, what, 30 years ago? So, yes, it's humans still need to prompt it un until it achieves a level of sentience, right? Until it becomes like a vision from a Marvel movie.


It’s not intuitive. Your law clerks are typing in questions to prompt it to spit out the answers that you're specifically looking for.

GUEST: ADAM (05:27):

And the better the prompts, the better the answers, and the more detailed answers that you get. And then from there it's refinements and okay, well that's good, but now look into this. Right? And you have to continue to have that back-and-forth conversation.  


If we're sitting here in five years, Adam, and I'm asking you to put your crystal ball in front of you here, what does the field of law look like?

GUEST: ADAM (05:50):

The field of law is one of the slowest-changing professions in the world. As I said earlier, it's amazing that now post-pandemic judges don't wanna continue to use Zoom in a lot of areas of Florida and even the country, which to me is just mind-boggling. So given that we're a bit slower than the rest, I mean, it's gonna gain some more general acceptance. This AI is evolving so fast. So CHATGPT 4 is so much better than 3.5.   I heard that they're coming out with version five at the end of this year which will be currently updated through the end of the year as far as its knowledge base. And now companies are starting to integrate with it, right? Like the two we're using. To give an actual accurate prediction, I don't know. But it is going to be there. It's going to be more widely accepted, but the first adopters, the people who embrace it will be much better off personally and professionally. The lawyers and law firms that are embracing it and using it will be able to help more clients and grow their businesses rather than the ones that hold on. And I think it will allow the disruptors to continue to take more market share.


Adam Rossen, thank you so much. And let's keep in touch and check in and see how AI continues to change the field of law.


Oh look, a year ago, AI wasn't even on my mind. So 12 months from now, who knows?  Let’s talk in 2024 and see where it's at, cuz we'll be at the forefront. I know that.


Thank you for listening to episode number 32 of the Going for Greatness show. Just keep this in mind. What was your life like before the internet? Well, buckle up because AI is going to disrupt everything in your life in the next few years.


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